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Scrittore Vines

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Saturday 19 September 2015

Cover is just a disguise!

The phrase, "one can not judge a book by it's cover," will always be true and it is not only applicable to books and novels, it applies to a human being as well. One can never read faces and tell everything about a particular being be it a human or any other being. A person should be naive enough to express himself  or herself on the very first day, knowing someone and letting the conscience do the task of making perceptions requires time and change also depends on time; by the time you would be sure enough that you have known someone that person might have changed but the outlook would have remained the same, isn't it? This is the only role of the cover, which acts as a disguise. A smile, a drop of tear,a grin is all it takes to create a cover,

One day you land up on a completely unknown place where all you can see is unknown people and you don't have an idea of what to do. You reach your workplace and you find someone who turns out to be a good friend of your's, without paying much heed you too get carried away. Wouldn't you ask a question to yourself," how can someone be so friendly with me without even knowing me?" As I always mention, change is the only thing permanent and time is it's fuel, as time passed you too enjoy the company of that person and you forget to use your conscience. After few days you realize that you were just a pawn and you didn't even allow your conscience to read the book, you just went by the cover. once it used to be.'bhai- bhai' and now it was,'bye-bye'. That is the time when you realize that you had committed a very big mistake only by going by the cover as it did not take more than a month to change from, "bhai- bhai to bye-bye".   

Sunday 6 September 2015

Don't be bowled out by the ODDBALL interviews!- I

The morning tea can turn tepid but can’t be savoured if it’s insipid.

Our INTERVIEWS ,which will encounter sooner or later, demands us to expect the unexpected.
Their quest for candidates is satisfied only when he is the morning tea they can savour.

These interviews  are getting ODDBALL day by day by the outrageous questions, a poor candidate is being exposed to. 
Any of ‘em can turn into a nightmare if we fail to deploy our fantasies as …
A fantasy is adored while a nightmare is detested.

It is required to be patient and to use our wit and acumen to face such questions.
We bring before you some such questions below, of which some may require you to intellect. 

Interviewer: He ordered a cup of coffee for the candidate. Coffee arrived kept before the candidate, then he asked what is before you?
Candidate: Instantly replied “Tea”He got selected.You know how and why did he say “TEA” when he knows very well that coffee was kept before.(Answer: The question was “What is before you (U – alphabet) Reply was “TEA” ( T – alphabet)Alphabet “T” was before Alphabet “U”.

If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have? 
 A. Very large hands.

How would you describe making an omelette to someone who has never made one before?
What they really mean to say is: How good are your communication skills?

Name five uses for a stapler without staples
What they mean to say is: How creative are you and can you think outside of the box?

A man pushed his car into a hotel and lost all of his fortune. How can this be possible?
The answer is quite simple. The man is playing monopoly.

Can you determine how many times do the minute and hour hands of a clock overlap in a day?
24 times is the most common answer however that is completely wrong. The right answer will be 22 times.

How many balloons would fit in this room?
What they mean to say is: How good are you at solving problems?

If you were asked to unload a 747 full of jelly beans, what  would you do? 
A:I would do it. The question is not "how" you would do it.


The Economy of India is the ninth-largest in the world by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country classified as newly industrialized country, one of the G-20 major economies, a member of BRICS and a developing economy with approximately 7% average growth rate for the last two decades. India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy from the last quarter of 2014, replacing China's.
The long-term growth prospective of the Indian economy is moderately positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy. The Indian economy has the potential to become the world's 3rd-largest economy by the next decade, and one of the largest economies by mid-century.
India has the one of fastest growing service sectors in the world with annual growth rate of above 9% since 2001, which contributed to 57% of GDP in 2012-13.
 India has capitalized its economy based on its large educated English-speaking population to become a major exporter of IT services, BPO services, and software services with $167.0 billion worth of service exports in 2013-14. It is also the fastest-growing part of the economy. The IT industry continues to be the largest private sector employer in India.
India is also the fourth largest start-up hub in the world with over 3,100 technology start-ups in 2014-15
The agricultural sector is the largest employer in India's economy but contributes to a declining share of its GDP (17% in 2013-14). India ranks second worldwide in farm output.
The Industry sector has held a constant share of its economic contribution(26% of GDP in 2013-14).
The Indian auto industry is one of the largest in the world with an annual production of 21.48 million vehicles in FY 2013-14.
 India has $600 billion worth of retail market in 2015 and one of world's fastest growing E-Commerce markets.

  “Demographic dividend”: Half of India’s 1.2-billion population is under the age of 25. By 2020, India will have the world’s youngest population, with a median age of 29 years, compared with a median age of 37 in China. This demographic dividend could potentially give India the biggest labour force and make it the largest consumer market in the world.
  Growing middle class: India’s middle class of 250 million already represents one of the biggest consumer markets in the world. This educated, tech-savvy and relatively affluent group is expected to continue its rapid growth in the years ahead.
  A functioning democracyOne of India’s greatest strengths is that it is a vibrant and functioning –( albeit a trifle chaotic) – democracy, where the electorate regularly exercises its constitutional right to kick out non-performing governments. India’s army, one of the world’s largest, is also staunchly apolitical and has consistently remained aloof from political shenanigans.
  Established companies and institutions: India has a thriving business sector with dynamic SMEs and large companies that are increasingly expanding overseas, educational institutions that are among the world’s best, and competent financial organizations. India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is currently headed by Raghuram Rajan, who was formerly chief economist at the IMF.
BRIC GDP growth rates (2011-13) and projections (2014-15)

Saturday 5 September 2015

8 "mishti-mukh" destinations of North Kolkata

1. Putiram

A quaint little shop situated at Surya Sen Street (near College Street), this is one of the most well-known and oldest mishti shops of North Kolkata. Famous for its Rajbhogs and Radha Ballavi, they also have the tasty shorbhaja, shorer naaru, jolbora, butterscotch and jafran sandesh.

2. Kalicharan Das

This is a very, very old shop situated right opposite to Hedua Chat at Ramdulal Sarkar Street. If you want a reasonably priced sweet shop, then this is the one. They have a variety of sandesh, pantua and also Rabri (in the winter season).

3. Ganguram

Situated at Beadon Street (Avedananda road), this is among the heritage sweet shops of the northern part of the city. Opened in 1892, it was originally famous for its mishti doi (sweet curd) and is also the inventor of several sweets like Indrani, Paniphal laddoo, Light Delight sandesh and Milk crown. They also have pastries and eggless cakes. The Light delight sandesh is perfect for those who like mildly sweet mishtis, while the Paniphal laddoo is something that will take you to cloud nine with it's crunchy texture if you are a lover of dry fruits.

4. Nalin Chandra Das & Sons

Also situated at Ramdulal Sarkar Street, this shop is over a hundred and seventy-five years old. It is among the finest sandesh makers. The items on their menu include rosecream, dilkhush, mango and butterscotch sandesh.

5. Sen Mahasay

Originally famous for its 'Ratabi' (a type of sandesh), this sweet haven was opened in 1885. It had started off as a small shop with no proper building structure, and was later developed to what it is today. It is situated at Fariapukur (walk straight through the lane beside the Aminia for 1 minute) and has many sweet options, like the 'Mon-matano', 'Mono-hara', Mihidana (made from pure ghee) and Dorbesh.

6. Chittaranjan Mistanna Bhandar

This is yet another quaint little shop set at the junction of 4 roads at Shyambazar street (near Shyampukur, Hatibagan). Their best product is their sponge rosogolla, which tastes even more heavenly when had piping hot. Apart from a variety of sandesh, the most famous is Madhuparka, which is available in around four flavours.

7. Girish Chandra Dey and Nakur Chandra Nandy

This again is situated at Ramdulal Sarkar Street. Opened in 1844, they deal in a huge variety of sandesh, like blackcurrant, mango, strawberry and shorpuria. Their newest additions are the dry-fruit shingara (a sweet sandesh in the shape of a samosa with a stuffing of flavourful dry-fruits) and the Golden Pineapple. Many claim it to be the best sandesh-maker in the entire country.

8. Bhim Chandra Nag

This is an iconic sweet destination just near Bowbazar more. It was opened in 1826 by Iswar Paran Chandra Nag, whose son was Bhim Chandra Nag, and their legacy has been handed down for over six generations. Their mishti doi, khirer chop, khirer goja and Dorbesh are delectable. They have over 25-30 types of sandesh, a few of them being Abar khabo, Jolbora, Paradise, Golapi peda, Monoha and Rosecream.

So what are you waiting for? Go and satisfy your sweet tooth right away!

Thursday 3 September 2015

Party Guide 101: Real Girl Dress Problems Solved

Despite the trends set by the Victoria's Secret models, the average 'real' woman does not have a body shape or figure that is anywhere near to theirs. And that's perfectly normal; none of us have the need or the time to work towards such a body, for I am sure most of us are not interested in auditioning for that lingerie company. But then again comes those office parties or other occasions when we wish we had long legs and a flat tummy so that we could fit into any dress. I obviously cannot give you any super-tips that would make you drop ten pounds overnight, but I can obviously tell you what kind of dresses to look out for to flatter your natural body shape!

1. If you have a small torso with long arms and legs:
You probably have small shoulders that make finding t-shirts and kurtis your size a real pain (most of them keep slipping down your shoulders, and trust me, that's very annoying). But in case of dresses, you ain't that unlucky. Opt for a sleeveless or a camisole dress that goes well with your skin tone. Avoid dresses with full sleeves, as they will draw attention to the areas you don't really want to.
We like this StalkBuyLove Instant Crush Dress. Buy it here.

2. If you have a pear-shaped body, i.e., bust to hip ratio is less than 1:
Congratulations, you have one of the most appealing body shapes of all times! But then again, just like everything has its perks, this body shape makes wearing dresses with elastic waistbands a real struggle (why won't the dress just stop crawling upwards!). Go for dresses that hang loosely on the hip area to avoid this (who wants to be distracted by having to constantly tug down your dress when a really cute guy at the bar is giving you the look?)
We like this Mango Double-layer dress. Buy it here.

3. If you have a long torso (and possibly firm, broad shoulders):
Congratulations again. Most dresses are suitable for you. Dresses that have intricate lacework on the shoulders and sleeves would look totally gorgeous on you.
We like this StalkBuyLove Pretty Girl Dress. Buy it here.

4. If your top suite is heavier, i.e., bust to hip ratio is more than 1:
Go for prints that camouflage your heavy bust, preferably having vertical stripes and patterns. Tip: Choosing a dark coloured dress will also instantly slim you down, and make you look absolutely stunning.
We like this StalkBuyLove Kipling Dress. Buy it here.

5. If you are a not-so-curvy girl:
Go for a dress that's fitted nicely, since you don't need to camouflage anything, but rather accentuate all that you've got. Choose a nice pair of stilletos that would amp up your game and then you are ready to go!
We like Mango Contrast Skirt Dress. Buy it here.

Pro tip: Always remember, you are beautiful the way you are! Confidence is the key :)

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Face your FACE: Beauty spots

"Beauty is not in the face,beauty is a light in the heart"- Kahil Gibran
This beauty is distinctively reflected by SPOTS.Such radiance is invigorated by the presence of spatial positioning of dark Spots or marks which acts a silver lining rather than minimizing our facial glare.
Beauty spots are  small, black or brown, singular moles on the face, neck, or shoulders that have an aesthetic appeal.
In the twentieth century Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark generated a new vogue.

It can't be denied that our beauty mark can charm others by portraying some of our traits before them.
These traits weigh more than they're acknowledged as they define us.
Do you have one....check below!
An overview of these traits based on the relative position of beauty spots on our face are:-

Spot for the SMILE
This depicts a well balanced life.A famous life full of opportunities and satisfaction.
Women with spots here are particularly lucky and tend to be beautiful and glamorous as well.
They are praiseworthy and will always have support from their close people.
Rare and personally I admire this!


This depicts money luck and many good friends.
They are unable to resist the charms of opposite sex

This depicts voracity!!


They draw  confidence and self worth from what others think.
They are people of great social prominence.

If they have traditional attitudes, the will prosper.
They are people of good prosperity and Luck.

This depicts yeilding before illness. They should be removed surgically if it compromises with the desired facial outlook.

This depicts a flamboyant person with charismatic personality.
This position gives the bearer excessive tension.They need to be calmer.

This position,above the eyebrows, states wealthy luck if earned.they are surrounded by jealous people so they need to safeguard their earnings and possession.

This position,on the ear,depicts high IQ,smart and intelligent personality.
They will be active until an old age and will have friends and family around them always.

These persons are always on the move and are advised to take extra care while travelling across waters.

Monday 31 August 2015


The human avarice and the crave for being the supreme camouflages its excrable consequences with  the immortal desire.Yet here is a gold in the silver of denouements.
All human beings are equal in this world and so the animals and other organisms.
"  the adversities all that I have earned,
its for you to shine ,my son".
The vigour in this hope has succoured the father as it's his will to fulfill.

Unfortunately today the scenario, prominent since a long time,is such that it needs to be highlighted time and again.
Under the shining SUN,a SON won't be there to shine.
This is the case of endangered species worldwide.Poching,changing climatic conditions and habitat are few of the reasons to be considered.
 International Union for Conservation of Nature has implemented various laws against this and also the main organisation supervising this threat.
We,here,at our blog try to rejuvenate this concern.
The top 10 endangered species are:-
1 Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

lives—or lived—in the Southeastern part of the US as well as Cuba.
Hunted for feathers.

lives only in the remote and snowy northern forests of eastern Russian’s Primorye region.
A 2007 census counted only 14-20 adult Amur leopards and 5-6 cubs.

estimated 40-60 animals remaining on the western tip of the Island of Java (Indonesia) in Ujung Kulon National Park.

There are around 100 species of these primates, all of which live on the Island of Madagascar, off the southeast coast of Africa.

The most endangered of all the world’s whale species, the northern right whale (Eubalena glacialis) numbers around 350 individuals that travel the Atlantic coasts of Canada and the US.

 The western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), which is the most numerous of the four gorilla subspecies, with over 100,000 individuals in the wild, and the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla diehli), of which only a tiny population of a few hundred remains.

The leatherback sea turtle (Demochelys coriacea) is the earth’s biggest turtle and has the largest range of any species, swimming all over the globe from the tropics to the sub-polar regions.

The Amur, or Siberian, tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest big cat in the world, weighing up to 300 kilograms (660 pounds).

Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schaulinislandi) tend to live far from humans on remote beaches throughout the Hawaiian Island chain.

The Kakapo parrot of New Zealand is a unique creature in several ways. Not only is it the world’s heaviest parrot, weighing up to 9 pounds (4 kilograms) but it is the world’s only only flightless parrot, as well as the only nocturnal one. The bird was once common on both of New Zealand’s main islands.