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8 "mishti-mukh" destinations of North Kolkata

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Saturday 5 September 2015

8 "mishti-mukh" destinations of North Kolkata

1. Putiram

A quaint little shop situated at Surya Sen Street (near College Street), this is one of the most well-known and oldest mishti shops of North Kolkata. Famous for its Rajbhogs and Radha Ballavi, they also have the tasty shorbhaja, shorer naaru, jolbora, butterscotch and jafran sandesh.

2. Kalicharan Das

This is a very, very old shop situated right opposite to Hedua Chat at Ramdulal Sarkar Street. If you want a reasonably priced sweet shop, then this is the one. They have a variety of sandesh, pantua and also Rabri (in the winter season).

3. Ganguram

Situated at Beadon Street (Avedananda road), this is among the heritage sweet shops of the northern part of the city. Opened in 1892, it was originally famous for its mishti doi (sweet curd) and is also the inventor of several sweets like Indrani, Paniphal laddoo, Light Delight sandesh and Milk crown. They also have pastries and eggless cakes. The Light delight sandesh is perfect for those who like mildly sweet mishtis, while the Paniphal laddoo is something that will take you to cloud nine with it's crunchy texture if you are a lover of dry fruits.

4. Nalin Chandra Das & Sons

Also situated at Ramdulal Sarkar Street, this shop is over a hundred and seventy-five years old. It is among the finest sandesh makers. The items on their menu include rosecream, dilkhush, mango and butterscotch sandesh.

5. Sen Mahasay

Originally famous for its 'Ratabi' (a type of sandesh), this sweet haven was opened in 1885. It had started off as a small shop with no proper building structure, and was later developed to what it is today. It is situated at Fariapukur (walk straight through the lane beside the Aminia for 1 minute) and has many sweet options, like the 'Mon-matano', 'Mono-hara', Mihidana (made from pure ghee) and Dorbesh.

6. Chittaranjan Mistanna Bhandar

This is yet another quaint little shop set at the junction of 4 roads at Shyambazar street (near Shyampukur, Hatibagan). Their best product is their sponge rosogolla, which tastes even more heavenly when had piping hot. Apart from a variety of sandesh, the most famous is Madhuparka, which is available in around four flavours.

7. Girish Chandra Dey and Nakur Chandra Nandy

This again is situated at Ramdulal Sarkar Street. Opened in 1844, they deal in a huge variety of sandesh, like blackcurrant, mango, strawberry and shorpuria. Their newest additions are the dry-fruit shingara (a sweet sandesh in the shape of a samosa with a stuffing of flavourful dry-fruits) and the Golden Pineapple. Many claim it to be the best sandesh-maker in the entire country.

8. Bhim Chandra Nag

This is an iconic sweet destination just near Bowbazar more. It was opened in 1826 by Iswar Paran Chandra Nag, whose son was Bhim Chandra Nag, and their legacy has been handed down for over six generations. Their mishti doi, khirer chop, khirer goja and Dorbesh are delectable. They have over 25-30 types of sandesh, a few of them being Abar khabo, Jolbora, Paradise, Golapi peda, Monoha and Rosecream.

So what are you waiting for? Go and satisfy your sweet tooth right away!


At 5 September 2015 at 10:32 , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 5 September 2015 at 10:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Gotta try one of'em then :)

At 6 September 2015 at 00:42 , Blogger skrocks said...

awsm :)


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